So you crazy kids… she’s here! The first new console in a year… And well done to the eBay seller lady who beat her own postage estimate by three days to ensure it got to me before the weekend.
I’m 1 hour into owning the 3DS and my eyes are already screwed, I’m already feeling diabetic from the sweetness of Nintendo’s UI, and I’ve already set a beard Mii character despite actually being at work… Love it!
Now I dunno if we can link up internet-wise on anything (Lartens) but if we can then shout!
ps that’s an animated gif but the sucker only moves if you click on it. what the deuce is going on there then?
The embeded image was a resized image that didn’t keep the animation, I’ve made it the original.
The 3ds XL is a much better size for looking and handling, just not for pocketing.
This reminds me to play 3d land a bit more, those colours look amazing
Ooh nice re-sizing action… So far, gotta say I prefer Mario to sonic. There’s some ace bits in sonic (this is generations I’m talking about) but Mario has nailed the mix of control / puzzles / skill with a bit of inventiveness. Sonic only really does that last two….