3DS? More like Speedy Mess… Ashasha


So you crazy kids… she’s here! The first new console in a year… And well done to the eBay seller lady who beat her own postage estimate by three days to ensure it got to me before the weekend.

I’m 1 hour into owning the 3DS and my eyes are already screwed, I’m already feeling diabetic from the sweetness of Nintendo’s UI, and I’ve already set a beard Mii character despite actually being at work… Love it!

Now I dunno if we can link up internet-wise on anything (Lartens) but if we can then shout!

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3 Responses to 3DS? More like Speedy Mess… Ashasha

  1. bedgell says:

    ps that’s an animated gif but the sucker only moves if you click on it. what the deuce is going on there then?

  2. lartens says:

    The embeded image was a resized image that didn’t keep the animation, I’ve made it the original.

    The 3ds XL is a much better size for looking and handling, just not for pocketing.

    This reminds me to play 3d land a bit more, those colours look amazing

  3. bedgell says:

    Ooh nice re-sizing action… So far, gotta say I prefer Mario to sonic. There’s some ace bits in sonic (this is generations I’m talking about) but Mario has nailed the mix of control / puzzles / skill with a bit of inventiveness. Sonic only really does that last two….

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