Though it may seem obvious how to write a post, there are some special circumstances to consider on Mostly when embedding video, and images. This is so it validates against the html5 validator. Check valid, but for completeness, the basics will be covered too, but always make sure the curser is in the correct position when switching between visual and html views. You can also use the wordpress app by automatic on the iphone to do some basic blogging. Some special characters do not play well when used in the html view, a > symbol should be written as “& g t ;” without the quotes or the spaces in the html view, unless you mean it to be html.
- Write a post from Posts add new post, rather than quick post.
- To have a continue reading as an expand full post whilst still on the main page, 1st ignore rule 3 that is next, don’t do that. Instead follow these instructions of tagging some html around the part to be hidden. It’s important you are in the html tab when doing this, and you can edit these into your text after you have written it. Right, basically where you want to start to hide, have a blank line, then below that use the tag<div class=”initialhide”>
!IMPORTANT there must be a blank line below the div tag, and the tag itself should be atleast on its own line or a blank line bfore just to make sure. and also a blank line above the ending tag. it will work without the blank line but it wont validate, which is what i like my sites to do over at Note though that this just makes things easier for me to not have to edit them after, it’s not gonna break anything. If things arn’t displaying like i’m asking don’t worry either, i couldnt even get the blank line above the div in this post lol.
Anyway, so do the blank line, then the tag, then blank line then all the text and image stuff to hide followed by a blank line and the closing tags at the very end and that should be it</div>
- Important: the following has been superseded by the former. To have only the first sentence or whatever show on the front page use the <!–more–> to hide any text below it but don’t copy and paste from here, because its special characters that are being used to display it like it is, its a whole html thing. If you’re embedding loads of videos or big images them maybe use that keyword, it will break the post off on the front page but be left whole for the single.
- To add the tweet and like buttons to the post, if already using the hide div then withing the quotes after class= just add a space and “addtweetlike” without the quotes after the initialhide. so <div class=”initialhide addtweetlike”>.
- If not using initialhide then with the same blank line rules as before, add <div class=”addtweetlike”></div> where you want the buttons to be, generally this is at the end.
- sometimes when inserting images, it will add the html rel=”attachment wp-2344″ or some other number, delete it, it isn’t valid and i don’t know what it does functionally.
- To exclude posts from the feed use the tag exclude-feed, to exclude posts from the main page tag exclude-front
- To add a hyperlink, switch to html tab, press link, paste in the hyperlink in the pop up box, ok it, type the text that will be the link, press the /link button to close the link, the html should look like <a href=””>Aminal site</a>. switch back to visual to continue writing. Do NOT use the target=”_blank” or any other target, its not valid, for accessibility sake it’s up to the users to choose how they open it.
- when adding a caption tag, make sure there is a blank line between the end caption and the next paragraph, it will still wrap close, and will fix the miss match of p tags generated
- Check categories that concern the post, no need to select general any more, but do select the category for your user, you can also add categories, however these won’t appear in the top navigation unless you tell the site administrator to add it to the main nav links
- The center tag is not valid for html 5 so use a div with class center but have the start and end tag on its own line so that p tags are auto generated correctly.
- You can now use the iframe for embeding video so ignore point 13, but what you will have to do is remove frameborder=”0″ as that’s invalid. Though it depends on the source of the video, best use the validator link on the page to check what it doesn’t like about the embed code.
- Embedding video. The default seems to be an iframe, don’t use this, instead on youtube check the box for use old embed code. Although i could change the code for you, all you need to do is pase the code in the html tab of the blog writing, and then self close param tags, that is <param blah blah blah /> and NOT <param blah blah blah ></param>. also self close the embed the same way. If the object tag doesnt have a data=”the url ” attribute add it and copy paste the url that will be in the <param name=”movie” value=”youtube etc” />. If in doubt just add the code from youtube or wherever, as is, and the administrator will just update the post. It should look something like <object width=”640″ height=”390″ data=”″><param name=”movie” value=”″ /><param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true” /><param name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always” /><embed src=”″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true” width=”640″ height=”390″ /></object>
- If taking the video link from the youtube app on iphone, there are extra steps to take for the video to work on non safari browsers. the link will be something like, here you need to delete the text &feature=youtube_gdata_player. also delete watch?v= and replace that with v/ so you end up with
- When logged in, see if there are any pending comments, and if they are not spam then allow them, if unsure leave it and the administrator will take care of it.