It’s here grigs and grigesses, Developer Treasure’s Sega Saturn beauty “Guardian Heroes” ready for your downloading pleasure on XBOX Live Arcade, as the title says its 800 Microsoft points, which in real money is however good a deal you got for them points in the first place, i purchased 4200 of them from amazon a couple of weeks back for £33 dabloons, i make that .78p per point which mean i spent £6.28 by my reckoning.
A friend of the GRiGORiG team had this bad boy on the Sega Saturn back in the day, and though i did play it back then, man did i suck earlier this evening, i did video my gameplay but frankly its not worth it, though please find below a couple of screen shots between the beautiful pixely rendering and the weird looking hi rezzed up stuff.
My preference is the orginal pixeled version, there were many great games on the Saturn, and at least 3 that i was very good at, if only they had online leaderboards i could show off my prowess with. An proper arcade port of Sega Rally would be ideal, not the re modeled desert in the Sega Rally arcade titel released earlier this year. Just plain simple blocky from the arcade at 60fps and accurate handling/timing logic to the original. Daytona is coming out soon, which is an absolute blessing. More on that in it’s own post shortly. in the mean time, some Heroes.