Christ May Be Risen – But SEGA’s Prices Aren’t!


SEGA are on the charm offensive, revealing today that they’ll be celebrating Easter by slashing the prices of all their XBOX Live Arcade games. Hurrah!

The sale will run from April 22 – 25, and covers gems like Gunstar Heroes and Crazy Taxi, as well as all the Sonics. And don’t forget Out Run because the rumour is that it’s gonna be pulled from sale later this year. The full price list is after the jump – and we’d recommend snapping them all up as, despite anything you might say about SEGA today, these are some gems.


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5 Responses to Christ May Be Risen – But SEGA’s Prices Aren’t!

  1. Dibbs Ahoy says:

    I think Sonic and Knuckles is cheap too – it was less than the other three when i checked the other day, but I think it might just be that way normally. Did Sega only just officially announce this today – I thought these deals had been up most of the week? Probably talking out my ayne.

  2. bedgell says:

    Nah both things are true – there’s actually a much longer list but for some reason they didn’t put them all in this little table. And could I be bothered to type em all out? Could I balls!

    A few of them have been on sale for weeks – I picked up crazy beauts a couple of weeks ago. Left s&k though as got that sucker on megadrive

    If I could ever find my megadrive

  3. lartens says:

    i’m a sucka for sales, always buying stuff on steam i’ll never play, like gta 1, 2, 3, vice city and st andreas i think, it was well cheap.

    as for xbla i already had sonic 2, so i picked up sonic, streets of rage 2 and outrun, which i already had the demo for.

    then today it was blatently advertised which made it easier, so picked up golden axe, gunstar heros and after burner.

    think that should do for a while.

    portal 2 still hasnt come yet. not that it matters for the next 6 days.

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