Dibbs Ahoy reporting for duty!

The Grig is back? Well then I’d better stand up to bat!

Well, I think one of the first things I’ll do is have a li’l meander through the current gaming news and give the Griggish touch to the latest hot topics doing the rounds. Only joking! I’m gonna talk about Street Fighter! And we’ll start the proceedings with a run down on what’s gonna be swinging our way this year with the inbound Ultra Street Fighter IV!

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2 Responses to Dibbs Ahoy reporting for duty!

  1. bedgell says:

    man i so can’t keep up with the street fighter releases. it’s cos they overlap. it feels like there’s different franchises competing for my attention whereas back in the day there was just one bit at a time. kind of like when there was two incredible hulk movies out really close to each other – and you were like: what the hell? are they by the same people? is one a joke? am i imagining this?! that said, it’s still in my desert island discs. you know, the five games you’d take to play on a desert island? i just made it up, though no doubt someone has actually thought of this so i didn’t really make it up per se as just thought about it then…

    • Dibbs says:

      You gotta consider your desert island gaming luggage! I bet those Lost grig heads were ruing the day they turned up in that place and hadn’t given it due thought. You could especially tell by the expression on Kates face that she had a copy of Wind Waker in her hand luggage when she should have popped A Link To The Past in there. Obviously pained her every episode.

      As for Street Fighter, the basic series is Street Fighter IV which then became Super Street Fighter IV, and now we’re getting Ultra Street Fighter IV. There were several balance changes and the arcade updates to SSFIV, but it’s not really strayed too far from the original disc.

      It’s Street Fighter X Tekken that was the big deviation, but just forget about that game. It should have been amazing and had all the ingredients to have been awesome… and then they monumentally screwed it up by trying to shaft their fan base by ripping them off. Gameplay sucked anyway, it was such a mess.

      Anyhoo, I better get on with writing some questions. I got developers from Sega and Nintendo stopping by Grig Towers in the morning with their pitches for the number four spot of my five desert island games. Things are getting serious.

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