So the people who did the minecraft video in a live action cg thing, have a few other video’s up, some of which show how they do things, they kinda speed through the after effects process to show how they do things on a simplified level, and i found this really interesting. So there could be some summertime homevideo making but with effects if you up for that grigs?
Dibbs ahoy likes to edit his iphone movies so maybe by the summer we can take his skills and ideas and make them with a green screen and i can play around in after effects, which i’m hoping to get at a student discount before then end of my course, hopefully an updated version will be out before i need to purchase.
Anway here’s a link to corridorDigitals youtube page with the green screen vid that’s also embeded below
as long as it’s not one of your special home movies then i’m totally in…