Minecraft gets a release date 11/11/11 pure poetry in numbers

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At the risk of literally repeating everything notch has said over at his blog http://notch.tumblr.com. Mojang had a meeting today and decided to say that Minecraft will be released on the 11th November 2011. Now i know what you’re thinking, it’s already out! But my compadres, it’s still technically only in beta, this has been one of those great recursive development methodologies where stuff gets added, it’s released, they get feedback, stuff gets added, while at the same time the punters are reporting bugs to be fixed, its like outsourcing development processes, except it’s to the happy customers, mind blowing business model there notch. 🙂

What else, oh, looks like we can expect the next new update next week, certainly in the next couple of weeks it seems, and it’s not just a little bitty update, it’s got some weather happening, bit of snow bit of rain, all of which makes changes to some of the environment, ice will re form in colder areas, and there’s even boltz of lightning on the way, sounds exciting, i love storms, what better storm could there be but a blocky minecraft one 🙂

But that’s not all…..

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