Reeder for iphone (RSS) and the wordpress app

So just to make things clear and easy, this is an rss feed reader on iphone, i use this all the time for my favourite feeds, its about £1.79 i think, or it was. basically i use this and attach it to my gmail account so that whenever i subscribe to a feed when browsing the internet i keep informed whenever i check the app. It doesn’t seem to do push notifications though, atleast not on my ipod with os 3. whatever. But check it out

To subscribe on you have the option of the full feed or if you are on one of the category pages you should be able to subscribe just to that category.

It’s reeder with a double ee if searching on the app store from the iphone, and its by Silvio Rizzi.

In recent months it’s added readability function with a little R button in the top right that tries to grab the main text and display it withing the app at a readable size, this is in preference to going straight to the site and the text being small, the app does link the post to the sites though if you wanted.

The wordpess app on the iphone can be a bit buggy, but what i think is the official one is by automatic. So you can approve comments, and blog form your iphone using this app

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2 Responses to Reeder for iphone (RSS) and the wordpress app

  1. Ben says:

    You know, strangely, I only tea the rss bit of your post, but I just re-read it and saw you posted about the wordpress app. Weeeeiiiird. And yeah, it is a bit buggy. And every time you upload an image, it reverts to the front page instead of to the post you were just writing. And it needs to let you place an image from the write screen, rather than having to add and image and then move the HTML text manually…

    But did I mention it was free?!?

    • lartens says:

      That maybe because i added the wordpress stuff to it about 10 minutes after i puiblished the original rss, soo if u saw it withing that time or directly from the feed then that would be why

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