D-Day is here. And for the Griggers, D means Despair. Capcom have finally unveiled their SSFIV Arcade Edition news and… well, I’ll leave the Dibbs-monger to bring his own special take on the news with an update to this post later. All I’ll say is it’s as we feared: rip-off DLC (1200msp) to be released June 6th giving you all of Yun, Yang, Oni, and Evil Ryu. A standalone SSFIV AE will come out in the summer.
For now, here’s the brand new content from Captivate – just after the jump. And much as it sickens me to say it, these vids and pics are still totally beautiful to look at. Let’s just hope the game is beautiful enough to get you through the weeks without food that it’d take to afford it… hehehe. (bitter? us?!)