Current news for once now (by me that is) as we tread new ground in my reporting prowess with news that is only around 12 hours behind the rest of the gaming world! Hooray ahoy! Still, better late than never. In fact, better late than being reeeeeeeaaally late because I was so grigged off that I had to wait 3 weeks before I could even face thinking about doing a write up (see SSFIV Arcade Edition – I still weep for our absent friends!). Anyhoo, while we circle around the issue of Capcoms calamitous cost-cutting and cavalier cack that is the half-hearted Super follow-up – strangely my most anticipated game – and the recent news that it seems that it will not even feature trials for the ‘Arcade Four’ symbolising Capcoms plumbing of new depths of laziness, we instead head straight for the new kid on the beat ‘em up block – Street Fighter X Tekken!
So once again we find ourselves lambasting the lunacy of the leering leviathan that is the should-be-obsequious buffoon, Yoshinoro Ono, and his latest foray into a world of tweeting madness. For if any of you have been keeping a beady eye on today’s ramblings you may have seen the following replies to tweets from which we may actually be able to draw some sense:
Charlie inclusion?: According to Ono, we aren’t going to be seeing him in this game. Oh well. Wasn’t he just a rubbish version of Guile? And with Guile in the game already, I think I’ll get over this omission!
New E3 ‘ROM or trailer’: This is pretty much what I’d expect. E3 isn’t too far off, but I hope the latest code shows a bit more promise than what we’ve seen recently. Hopefully they’ll have ironed out the clunky, ridged, almost awkward look, and get back to the trademark slickness that Street Fighter usually has in an abundance!
Tweeted pic, and usual Ono vagueness. Oh, and that darn Blanka toy: Who could that be?!!! We can see King, but the row over whether the other person is Ryu, Makoto, or whoever, is already raging across the net!
Third Strike Online at E3: Bit of a brief deviation here, but ho hum! We were expecting this at Captivate to be honest. So far we know that Capcom have lavished a bigger budget on this than any online game before it – and that includes SF2 HD Remix with its completely redrawn HD sprites. But apparently, Third Strike will get no such sprite redrawing capers, so everyone is a bit baffled as to what this money is being spent on. If the recent screen grab showing Hugo and Remy’s legs are anything to go by, the big surprise that Capcom says fans will ‘wet themselves’ over certainly wont be overhauled
graphics at all. From the tweet Ono sent out with said image, it basically looked like SF3 Third Strike with the very same filter on it that companies (cough cough, Sega Guardian Heroes, cough cough!) are using far and wide and then calling them HD graphics hoping people wont notice. Oh well, if this is what SF3 Online Edition is going to be then fine – I’m glad they didn’t show it at Captivate. I don’t think I could have taken any more disappointment that day if they had slapped that one on us as well. But I look forward to being proved wrong at E3 Capcom – Ono says to expect a lot more then! Make it so!
So there we go. Make of that lot what you will! But with anticipation brewing for SFxTekken, things are only gonna get more ‘hype’ from here on in! Let the excitement commence! Huh, what’s that you say? It’s not coming out for another year? Oh.
Bonus News: Best Buy – either a chain of slaughter houses or a large scale weapons manufacturer… probably – just outted the first batch of LA Noir DLC. Those who succumb to the early purchase from said company will seemingly receive a code to unlock the additional content on launch day. Lovely stuff! Of course the rest of us will have to shell out extra for the privilege – nothing like day 1 DLC to treat yourself with. Y’know, after you’ve already gone out and bought the jimmying game. Freakin’ games industry! But care ye not for DLC crimes if you like the look of this beast, or just really want to know who murdered the Black Dahlia – coz Rockstar Games have achieved what homicide detectives haven’t in over 60 years and apparently figured it out – and join us in putting this mother at the top of the gaming charts! Coz as everybody knows, when stuff does well in charts it means it’s good. Just like in music when you have… er…N-Dubz is it? Are they/were they popular? You know, the ones with that girl and those two rappers who talk in that fake accent that sounds a bit like a boxer at the end of a very hard 30 year career. Or even that bloke called Lady Gaga who I swear used to go by the name of Marilyn Manson. Proof indeed if it were needed, that charts are truly the goalposts by which all quality should be measured! See you there Saturday LA Noir! See you there… BY GUM!
The Grig looking clearly perplexed as he researches for this article – why does Googles search suggestion come up with ‘Lady Gaga hermaphrodite’? What the..?
yay, “the grig” makes another appearence.
so on the near horizon we have la noir, duke nukem, gears 3, maybe some others, hiw long till they get to a reasonable £17 price point
Dunno, I dont like the way games are starting to hold their price more than they used to – marvel vs Capcom 3 is still around £25 at the cheapest, at least on the highstreet. LA Noir and Duke should be cool though. At least they might distract me from the Master System anyway – retro rules, new drools!
i heard some guy who reviewed L.A Noir briefly on destructoid and the things he was saying was really making me want to get it. fortunalely ive gont a ton of games i havent even played yet so i’m gonna crack on with them bad boys whilst these new games fall in price, still got bayonetta to do, that naruto game i really wanted at chistmas, the other naruto game before that, play portal 2 on teh steam, amnesia. castlevanias, back to the future, start up wow again. the list goes on.
so dibbs, when these drawings gotta be done, we need to get a weekend organised to head to bedgells. i’, thinking any weekend after this is prob gonna be good for me, what about you two grigs and the girls? pizza? kinect? eh?
I’m good for whenever hopefully. Keep me posted – I’m well up for a grig game-a-thon!