World of Goo sale on IOS for the first 24 hours, plus other news/things that are around

Things briefly mentioned in this post: World of Goo, portal, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3DS, Make Your Own Zleda Chest. Oh and GameBoy music (not chiptune). Some of it’s old hat, but you may not have been keeping up with the jones’ the past week, i know i haven’t.

World of Goo is released on IOS today (Thursday 14th April) and is on sale at £0.59 for the first 24 hours according to a post on the developers site World of Goo is another one of them adictive indie games that is on multiple platform such as wiiware, pc, mac and now the iPhone and an HD version for the ipad, which if you think you may soon purchase one, maybe get that version instead. If you know you shall be sticking with just the ipod or iphone, then 59p is a barg. If you haven’t heard of world of goo before, then go back under your rock hehe, i joke, its a physics puzzler type game, using goo balls to build a bridges and towers to a pipe, the objective to get a load of the goo’s to the destination, its score ratings on metacritic and such like are up in the 90’s, very well respected critically.

Valve brings us an investment opertunity for long fall boots, the portal 2 hype is nearing its climax as the game is but a week away. check out the vid at the end of this post, also for those looking to buy the playstation version and link to your steam account there are some question and answers to this over at From what i can understand, and correct me if i’m wrong, the cross platform play might require a steam account, and for the game to be linked. I think. My take is that i can’t buy the ps3 version, link it to my steam account, so i can download and play on steam and then give the disc to a friend for us both to play onlinw, as my friend wouldn’t have linked his psn to steam for it to work. Time will tell what happens, i’ve pre orderd the psn version anyway just so i may actually use the ps3 maybe. but i’m pretty much gonna play it on steam, and maybe xbox to get some achievemo’s when the price goes down. I mean it’s portal, it’s freaking the bees knees.

Next up is a first impressions of Zelda Ocarina of Time over at In conclusion it looks really good and doesn’t dissapoint, sorry, i don’t actually have much time to write up anything, if you’re interested just go check it out at the source.

More on the Zelda front, instrucables has a make your own Zelda Treasure Chest with sound, check it out at, and check out the video at the end of this post.

Finally this popped up the other day on twitter, can’t remember who alerted me, but this is a music video of sounds created using a physical gameboy (not software on a gameboy) kinda like the old 90’s fad of using dustbins for music at a royal variety performence.

Portal – Long Fall Boots

Gameboy musc

Zelda Treasure Chest

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6 Responses to World of Goo sale on IOS for the first 24 hours, plus other news/things that are around

  1. Dibbs Ahoy says:

    When is this PC Kinect malarky you were talking about? I hope the Lartromiter has some plans for that sucka!

  2. bedgell says:

    Is the lartromiter some kind of mix between Lartens and vomit? I hope so…

  3. Dibbs Ahoy says:

    I was kind of thinking it sounded more like some kind of device that recorded levels of Lartens. Whatever that means.

  4. lartens says:

    when all this uni biz is done, that should be the name of an app i’m yet to make or have an idea of. Sounds like a winner yeah.? hehe

  5. bedgell says:

    as long as it records lartens’ levels of vomit activity, everyone’s a winner…

  6. bedgell says:

    Bah! I missed the cheap goo!

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